Lower Implant Retained Denture
(Lower Locator Implant System).

The lower secondary impression was presented to the laboratory as shown. (The special tray had been fabricated after the previous appointment).

The Locator Abutment Replica. Three of these will be used for this case.

The locator abutment replicas are carefully positioned into the impression.

The lower impression is then cast and trimmed in the usual method, taking extra care around the implant replicas.

The rubber ring spacers are positioned over the implant replicas as shown.

The implant abutments are then positioned over the implant replicas, ensuring they 'click' into position.

A wax base plate of two thicknesses of wax is then carefully manipulated over the lower model and implant replicas.

The lower model is then flasked in the usual method. The lower model may be cold mould sealed prior to initial investment, as the lower model will be retained for future use.

After the flasking process, the wax is removed in the usual manner, the two halves of the flask are cold mould sealed, then clear heat cured acrylic resin is placed into the flask and processed according to the manufacturers instructions.

The processed and deflasked lower model and clear heat cured base plate prior to trimming.

The 'inverted' lower clear heat cured base plate prior to trimming.

The rubber ring spacers are gradually removed using an Ash 5 or similar.

The lower clear heat cured base plate trimmed and smoothed, but not polished, as it will be necessary to process the final denture acrylic in future stages.

A lower record rim / block is fabricated on top of the clear heat cured base plate and returned to the clinic for an occlusal record and shade to be taken of the patient's upper teeth.

Upon returning to the laboratory, the upper and lower models are mounted on a plaster-less articulator and a lower try-in fabricated to the clinician's instructions.

The Lower Locator Process Kit by Astra Tech Dental.   The kit contains a rubber ring spacer, implant abutment and three strengths of inserts.

A close-up of the (inverted) implant abutment.

Note the retention grooves around the 'dome' of the implant abutment.